Wearable Art Competition Opportunity

"Eye of the Beholder Wearable Art Show"
Friday, March 9, 2012
Open to all artists, all media
Application deadline is Friday, February 3, 2012 (plenty of time to plan, design and enter your creations!
And the best part: $2,000 in prize money!

For entry form and rules go to

(thanks, Cindy Shake!)

Diane Melms Quilt Selected for Quilt=Art=Quilt

'Intersections' by Diane Melms
 Diane Melms' quilt, 'Intersections' has been selected for display in the
Quilt=Art=Quilts Exhibit at the Schweinfurth Memorial Art Center in Auburn,
New York. This exhibit opened on October 30 and will run through January 8,
2012.  Congratulations, Diane!