This is a shorter version of the email recently sent to AK SAQA members. For complete details on the meeting, refer to that email.
We had a great September meeting. Amy Meissner, Diane Melms, Cat Larrea, Gail Ramsey, Barb Hanson, Nancy Sopp, Carrie Payne, Julie Drake, and Maria Shell were in attendance. The meeting was held at the Kaladi Brothers on Brayton from one to three in the afternoon.
Julie Drake said she had a great time at the Chicago International Contemporary Art Expo held at the Navy Pier in Chicago. She highly recommended it.
Our next meeting is scheduled for Friday November 6th at Amy Meissner’s home from 10AM - 11:30AM. Please refer to the latest email from SAQA where you will find directions and Amy’s contact info.
Our next group exhibition, Art Cloth North, is scheduled for February 2016 at the in Anchorage. Show guidelines are currently listed on the SAQA Calls for Entry page. AK SAQA members may submit up to four pieces for consideration in this juried show. The application deadline is October 31, 2015.
If you are submitting work for Art Cloth North, be sure to have hi-quality images. 1800 pixels or MORE is recommended. If accepted into the show, artists will need to send a short bio for the show book.
For the first Art Cloth North, which was held in November 2014, AK SAQA member Diane Melms created a show book featuring works by each of the artists as well as an artist statement. Diane Melms has agreed to create a show book for the 2016 show. Cat Larrea has agreed to create template based on the 2016 show book which can then be used for future shows.
We want to try and find a venue for the 2017 Art Cloth North show. If you have an idea of a good place for us to present a group show, please let us know.
Show and Tell included these fabulous hand dyed fabrics.
You can learn more about the hand dying adventure by visiting this recent AK SAQA blog post.
Please join us for the next meeting at Amy’s house!
And if you have interesting news to share, please email Maria Shell so we can put it on the blog!