Updates and the Iditarod Challenge

Cat says the votes are in and people would prefer to wait until May for our next meeting (which will be both in person and online).  In the interim, she still urge all of us to create something for the SAQA Auction. 

As a warm up exercise, consider "The Iditarod Challenge"!  Cindy Shake just shared a link to this quilt challenge organized by the Quilted Raven in Anchorage.  The deadline is February 25, quilts must be 12" high by 10" wide, and the theme is, you guessed it, the Iditarod.   Further details are at:

And thinking of challenges, what other Alaska events could inspire a theme for a quilt?  Are there festivals, commemorations or other special happenings in your part of the State we could look ahead to planning a quilt challenge around? 

Judy Wedemeyer Transforms Ties into Treasure for Good Cause

This table runner is the first of three projects Judy Wedemeyer is creating for the Salvation Army's 4th Annual ‘Transformed Treasures’ Auction Luncheon April 16, 2011 at the Sheraton Anchorage Hotel.  Judy writes: “Unlike the set of four table mats I donated last year for this event, this table runner was sewn on pre-stamped foundation sheets thereby simplifying the construction process.  I eliminated two of the fourteen dress ties I'd chosen at the Salvation Army to be 'transformed' because they didn't blend well enough with the dozen I used.  A thin poly batting inside allows for enough definition in the machine quilting without being too fluffy.  Other display options would be as a wall hanging over a wide doorway or on a narrow wall space”.
More than 100 one-of-a-kind treasures will be auctioned to the highest bidder.  Here's how it works...
Everyday items are 'purchased' from donated goods found at local Salvation Army Thrift Stores with $50. worth of Salvation Army vouchers given to each participant.  Through the time and talents of local artists/designers these ordinary objects will be transformed into one-of-a-kind auction pieces.  This annual event leverages local creative talent and compassion in such a fun and rewarding manner, touching many lives both in the giving and receiving.  The Auction Preview is free and open to the public, April 1st, 5-7 pm in the BP Energy Center.

Early February News and Updates

Congratulations, Alaska SAQA Rep Cat Larrea, on your recent huge life changes and exciting travel plans!   

Welcome to new member, Cindy Shake of Anchorage.  Some may already know of Cindy by her remarkable metalwork, others will recognize her delightful and often raven-themed quilt patterns. Visit her website at www.cindyshakedesign.com to learn more about Cindy and her work. 

Participate in the SAQA 2011 Benefit Auction.  As noted in February SAQA e-Bulletin under "Deadlines and Dates", March  15th is the early bird deadline to have your piece considered for inclusion in Auction advertising.  The Final Deadline is July 2 and while the other-side-of-break-up may seem a long way off, now is a good time to start sketching ideas and maybe dedicate a little corner of your design wall with some 'tickler' fabrics as a reminder.   Visit the SAQA website for full details.  I especially encourage those of you who have not donated a piece before to do so this year.  Wouldn't it be great if Alaska could be 100% represented in the Auction?  It's fun, it's challenging, and a great way to reinforce your standing as an artist or to gain some exposure if you are new to exhibiting.   
SAQA Conference "Visioning" is from May 19th through the 22nd in Denver, CO.  All SAQA reps have been asked to gather input about ways to improve SAQA and better serve the members.  Cat Larrea, our Alaska rep, hopes to make contact with each of you personally very soon to hear your perspectives, opinions, and requests pertaining to SAQA membership.  Also please let Cat know if you plan on attending the conference, this would be a wonderful opportunity to meet!

Cheers, and please give Susan Christensen updates for our blog!