Recap of the October Meeting

Our October 20th meeting was entertaining, educational and inspiring.  I attended from Southeast via 'Go-To-Meeting' on-line, and it was the next best thing to being there in person!

Cat gave a brief summary of the Rep's October conference call which focused mainly on the new ways to acquire funding from the national guild, before introducing guest presenter Rene Haag, owner of Blaine's Art in Anchorage.
Rene Haag
Rene displayed an inspirational assortment of products around the room and talked about the possibilities each offered textile artists like ourselves.  Cat took photos while Rene talked and I was able to see them on my computer screen thanks to 'GO-To-Meeting' technology.  Here's what Rene brought to show us:
'Tee Juice' fabric markers

Shiva oil paint sticks


Artist Transfer Paper

Jacuard textile paints

tote bags

quilting books

ExtravOrganza digital printing sheets
Blaine's Art offers a venue for classes in addition to its impressive array of products.  The Anchorage store is located right off West Benson Avenue in Anchorage, and the website is linked above and worth a visit.

After Rene finished tantalizing us with intriguing supplies for art quiliting, Maria Shell and Cat gave a fabulous slide show presentation of Maria's collection of the SAQA auction quilts she has purchased over the years.  Cat's excellent photos of both the fronts and backs of these little jewels were lots of fun to view.  You can take a look at the entire collection yourself here.  There is an icon on the top left of the page to view as a slide show.

Thanks to Cat for putting together such a great quarterly meeting.  Hope to see lots of participation for our next meeting which will happen in mid-January, time and place to be announced.

Best wishes for a creative early winter to all of you.  Cat and I are off to Art Quilt Tahoe in a couple of weeks and I will send up a post or two from that experience, my first and Cat''s 8th or 9th!

As always, if you have news you want posted here, just drop me an email - I love hearing from you!  Your Co-Rep, Susan


  1. Darn it! So sorry I missed the meeting! What a great assortment of new and inspiring supplies at Blaine's :) I'm in the process of moving (just 5 minutes away but no less work) and the home buying/selling/packing/moving has thrown a monkey wrench in my Art Making! Thanks for the great blog post -I need to get over to Blaine's as soon as I unpack my sewing machine! xo

  2. Thanks for your kind comments, Cindy, and GOOD LUCK with your big move!
